Barbra Streisand says she ‘can’t live in this country’ if this happens

Barbra Streisand, a well-known figure in Hollywood, recently made a bold statement online in support of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. She believes that conservatives are trying to smear Willis’s public image by attacking her personal life.

On X, the singer and actress expressed that Willis is not guilty of anything other than desiring a confidential relationship with Nathan Wade. She hired him as a subordinate prosecutor for her investigation into Trump and 18 co-defendants who have been charged with racketeering in connection with Georgia’s 2020 election outcomes.

Streisand criticized the Republicans for wanting Fani Willis to be fired just because she believes women can balance a private and professional life like men do.

Trump and his supporters are criticizing the prosecutor, Willis, who is handling his case in Georgia. They claim that she has a personal connection with one of the prosecutors. However, this accusation is unrelated to the actual facts of the case, which involve Trump’s alleged attempt to influence the Secretary of State to manipulate the election results. The speaker believes that Trump’s actions are merely a distraction tactic.

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