Eggshells: sow them immediately on the plants, you’ve never had a vegetable garden like this.

Eggshells: sow them immediately on the plants, you’ve never had a vegetable garden like this. The gardener recommends it!

Recycling is a fundamental practice that, beyond benefiting our wallets, plays a crucial role in supporting the environment.

In the realm of kitchen sustainability, recycling waste is a captivating and endlessly beneficial endeavor.

Today, we explore the art of recycling eggshells, offering a dual benefit—contributing to plant health while minimizing waste.

For those who tend lovingly to a vegetable garden, the transformative impact of eggshells on plant growth is well-known.

If you’re curious to learn more, stay with us on this page!

Eggshells serve a dual purpose as both a repellent and a fertilizer.

How should you prepare the shells for optimal use?

Crushing them is one method, but there are two additional approaches:

Eggshell Flour: To create eggshell flour, dry a dozen eggshells in a shaded area. Place them in a bag and crush them until achieving a powdery consistency. When needed, simply add 1 or 2 tablespoons of this flour to the soil for approximately 40 days. This imparts valuable calcium to the soil for our plants.

Eggshell Waterfall: To obtain eggshell-infused water, boil 3 liters of water with 6 eggshells. Pour the resulting mixture into the soil to provide plants with beneficial minerals and calcium.

Now that we’ve covered how to use them, let’s delve into their specific benefits.

Check Soil Acidity: Eggshells help control soil acidity. Adding crushed eggshells to the soil over an extended period allows the components to easily penetrate the soil during watering.

Keep Parasites and Snails Away: Eggshells act as a deterrent against snails and caterpillars, creating a barrier that prompts them to move away. The abrasive quality of the shells causes these pests to injure themselves and quickly retreat.

Making Compost: For those engaged in home composting, adding eggshells to the mix is a simple yet effective practice. Combining shells with coffee grounds enhances the fertility of the plant substrate.

Fertilizer: Eggshells, rich in nitrogen, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, serve as an excellent fertilizer. Insert them into the soil substrate to expedite the development of plants.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and embark on this eco-friendly venture!

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